Humans beings have always wondered that they are the smartest ones here. They feel that it's only them who can discover and invent new technologies, unaware of the fact that the creation - the actual creation, that is beyond this planet, our solar system, our galaxy, our universe, our dimension and any parameter that we can think of, is unfathomable.
According to Vishnu Purana, we are living in a multiverse, and infinite such multiverse, exist in his imagination when he opens his eyes. The moment he shuts them down, everything ceases to exist.
We, the humans, couldn't even explore our universe properly? Forget the universe, could we explore this planet completely? The oceans hold an entirely different ecosystem and we have very little idea about it. We are limited beings with limited senses and limited resources. No matter how much we try, there is a limit that would always stop us from knowing the eternity, which is none other than the creator!
We kept advancing and the more we grew, the more we denied the existence of the creator. We started taking ourselves as the Creator, which is definitely not true. Humans started exploiting the gifts that were given to them, by the creator - from the forests to the lands, from the mountains to the oceans, from the animals to birds, humans utilised everything, to the level that exhausted them.
Anyone who dares to play with or exploit The Mother Nature would suffer drastically.
This is exactly what is happening now. The world is on the verge on of its end. Natural calamities, pandemics and unnecessary clashes between the countries are just His weapons to slaughter the sinners.
The world, at this moment, is undergoing a drastic change.
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