39. War at Awadh

Raghav POV

As planned, I was all set to depart for Awadh, with a few of my soldiers, leaving my hand, Indrajeet and the head commander, Abhimanyu over there so as to protect the women.

The smallfolk was against the King, and this became evident to me as I walked through the streets. There were gossips against Yuddhjeet, and many of them were expecting me to take over him. Being covered in a shawl, I was hidden from everyone. The soldiers were walking at a distance from me, so that no one could doubt us as we strode to the borders of Vijaygarh.

We took a public buggy to Awadh to avoid appearing as royal descendants. The path was long, but beautiful since Mother Ganga accompanied us most of the time. Her jovial tides were enough to lighten up my mood. She reminds me of my mother - pure and devotional. The one who strives for others.

I glanced at the sky, and wondered if my mother must be blessing me from there. I smiled at this thought, and lowered my gaze. By the evening, we were at the outskirts of Ayodhya.

"The King had received your letter, and he wishes to see you at their palace."

The sentinels spoke to my men, and our buggy moved inside. I curled my fingers around my sword, and clutched it tightly, inhaling deeply. Sometimes, the circumstances may turn against us, and that is when we must be ready to react as soon as possible, so that we can avoid the doom.

As I stepped out of the buggy, I saw Maharaj Shauryaditya waiting for me at the entrance of a huge palace. He smiled at me, so did I. He seems younger than I was expecting him to be.

"We welcome you, Maharaj Raghav, the delight of Suryavansh, and the heir to Vijaygarh's throne. We offer you our hospitality."

He announced, and the lady standing there rotated the aarti thaal before me. She applied tilak on my forehead, and Maharaj Shauryaditya hugged me tightly.

I was not expecting such warm welcome from them, but their gestures have overwhelmed me.

The servants washed my feet, before I was welcomed by the King and the Queen into their Royal palace.

"Your gestures have moved me deeply, my King!"

I asserted, perching in the royal palace of Awadh.

"My King, your mother's father was one of closest allies. And serving you will be honour to your mother, who has always been my inspiration. My armies will be yours, but I wish to put forth a condition."

The King asserted, and my gestures stopped harking to the 'condition' part. Well, this is how royal families work. I just hope the condition he puts before me is acceptable.

"What condition?"

I sternly asked, curling my fingers around the glass of the drink that was kept before me.

"My sources are strong and reliable. They've informed me that the unborn baby is a daughter, and the one who's growing inside Prince Indrajeet's wife's belly, is also a girl."

He exclaimed, and my brows raised being flabbergasted by the fact that how sharply he is observing us.


I asked again, and he exhaled sharply before saying

"I have twin sons - both handsome, they are learning the martial arts fiercely. Just a month ago, we celebrated their seventh name day. I want your daughters to get married to my sons."

My gaze averted from him, and roamed around the palace. He has asked for something that is more than my life for me. My daughters are even born yet, and he wants me to get them betrothed to his sons.

"I wish to see them before I agree to this condition."

I stated, to make sure I'm giving my daughters into safe and strong hands.

"There is one more request."

He declared, and I nodded with widened eyes.

"Okay! Say it." I granted him permission.

"My elder son will inherit the throne of Awadh, with your daughter by his side, as his Queen, while your brother"s daughter shall marry my younger son, and he.....must be gifted Vijaygarh's throne."

He demanded, and I rose from my seat. The throne of Vijaygarh must pass to Ranveer's son, if Chitra gives birth to a boy. I can't pass on his rights to the Prince of Awadh.

"I cannot agree to this. The throne will pass to the son of my brother. It belongs to Ranveer's blood."

I retaliated, my voice roared in the palace.

"He is not Royal blood."

The King of Awadh stated, still sitting comfortably on his seat.

"I do not care."

I blurted out, averting my gaze from him. The throne shall pass to Chitra's son, after whatever she is suffering currently.

"You cannot pass the throne to anyone you desire. We support you because you have the royal blood, but none will support his claim on the throne."

The King declared, his tone changed to get harsher this time.

"My armies will at once be yours, all you need is to agree to our condition."

He cleared himself, and I flared. I do need his armies. I can't let all my men die in this battle, when I am very well aware of Yuddhjeet's strength.

"I need some time."

I muttered, sitting back on the seat that was allotted to me.

"Beware King! What you demand is something that you lack at this moment."

He reminded me, and I inhaled deeply thinking about the situation. A man came running to the palace, his face looked pale, as if someone had instigated terror in him.

"My King! Sorry for the interruption. Awadh is under attack. Vijaygarh has attacked us. The Usurper Yuddhjeet is marching to the palace."

He spoke, panting in between, and all of us stood up in unison.

"He is here for me."

I asserted, and Maharaj Shauryaditya instantly shook his head.

"No! My King...He is here for Mayura."

He stated, and my mind travelled to the woman about whom my Chandani had told lately.

Why is that woman so important? Is she really this powerful?


Maharaj Shauryaditya's roar was enough to inculcate energy in his men. They drew their swords out, and yelled in unison.



Their energy seemed unmatchable. I followed the King too, but he signalled me to stop.

"No, my King. You are our guest, and the future of the realm. We cannot risk your life. We serve you, being under you. Let us fight for you."

He implored me in a heavy voice. For a moment, my heart manipulated me to agree with his terms because he appears selfless to me, but I should not announce decisions so quickly.

"No! As your ally, I wish to support you in this, and stay relaxed. I'll be completely fine."

I assured him, placing my hands on his shoulder. He nodded.

"Fine, my King!" He muttered to me, and I smiled back

"Call my sons!"

He groaned to his hand, and I frowned.

"Your sons are just seven, King!"

I reminded him, and a pride filled smirk adorned his lips.

"You wished to see them. There would be a place better than the battlefield to see them."

He grunted, walking past me. My gaze flickered, as my grip tightened upon my sword. Are his sons so trained?

His wife, the Queen of Awadh adorned our heads with tilak before we marched out to the battlefield.

I walked by his side, mounting over my horse. Maharaj Shauryaditya was beside me on his horse, and suddenly two more horses arrived by our sides, but their riders were little kids.

"Welcome, my sons!"

Maharaj prasied the boys. I glanced at them. They both were good-looking, well built young boys, mounted on horseback. They looked divine. How could they look so ethereal?

This wasn't a perfect time to ask all this to the King, as my focus must the enemy that has attacked the kingdom now.

"The common people shouldn't die. Secure them!"

Maharaj ordered a few of his men, who ran away to the city to safeguard people while we marched to the area where Yuddhjeet's army was battling the army of Awadh.

Suddenly a son of his targeted an arrow at the enemy side, and left it accurately, wounding one of his soldiers. His target was perfect, it didn't get wasted.

His other son drew out two swords from his sides, and started swaying them in the air, entering into the area of the enemies.

"King, your son!"

I warned the King, getting scared since they are just kids, but the King smiled.

"Don't worry, my friend. They are Sri Ram's blessings to me. They won't get defeated."

He asserted, drawing out his sword to fight the enemies with all his strength. I also shifted my focus to the war. Yuddhjeet wasn't there, I couldn't find him. Did he just send his men to terrorize us?

He is a coward. He cannot attack us directly.

"Maharaj! Be careful. This is a trap!"

I screamed to the Maharaj Shauryaditya, who didn't seem to be listening to me. This is definitely something weird. I can sense it.

His sons were busy attacking the fighters on the sides, while I was battling the ones who were coming to me. The King was the only one, who kept running forward, perhaps to find Yuddhjeet, but he could not find him.

I followed him, slicing the head of a few warriors to protect him, but he had gone too far. I pulled the ropes on my horse, and he neighed, running faster than before.

Suddenly the people around the King moving aside, and now my suspicion deepened.


I screamed at top of my voice, but he couldn't listen to me.


The ground beneath the King crumbled, and he was engulfed by the fire within a few moments, alongwith his horse.

You betrayed us, Yuddhjeet. You couldn't win over him through strength, so you chose deception.


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